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Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body!

The 28-Day Jump-Start Program for Radiant Health and Glorious Vitality
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Your body is a receiving station for secret messages from Spirit. Stop thinking about it, and start listening to it!

All your history and negative programming is lodged in the cells of your body. Using this 28-day jump-start health program-based on Denise's original Soul Coaching® Program-you'll unweave hidden blockages within your DNA to initiate your natural life-force energy and your body's...See more
Your body is a receiving station for secret messages from Spirit. Stop thinking about it, and start listening to it!

All your history and negative programming is lodged in the cells of your body. Using this 28-day jump-start health program-based on Denise's original Soul Coaching® Program-you'll unweave hidden blockages within your DNA to initiate your natural life-force energy and your body's spiritual radiance

This four-week program will help you:
  • Activate powerful cellular rebalancing of your body
  • Realize why you were born with your specific body
  • Align your body with your life purpose
  • Uncover the spiritual lessons you're receiving from your body in this lifetime
  • Learn the mystical correlation between your body and your life
  • Understand how clutter-clearing can heal health challenges

By utilizing the energy of nature-Air, Water, Fire, and Earth-this program allows you to clear away old limitations so that you can truly begin to claim your luminous, vital, glorious body. See less
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